Home for a Rest – Leifstyle Remix

Home for a Rest

(Original Song and Lyrics by „Spirit of the West“: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPJD3qcIL7s)
You have to excuse me, im not at my best,
ive gone for 5 month, ive been drunk since i left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be my death,
im so sick from my drink, i need home for rest!
Take me home….

We arrived in October, and Baires was cold,
we stayed in the bars, along Palermos cross roads,
We never drank nothing, but „Fernandos“ and wine
We felt really blessed and have been on cloud nine

You have to excuse us, we’re not at our best,
we’ve gone for 5 month, we’ve been drunk since we left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be our death,
we’re so sick from my drink, we need home for rest!
Take me home….

Went to Punta Arenas, a flight journey south,
no plan in backhand just to live from the hand to the mouth.
The End of the World had some nice drinks to share,
but we had to go farther to breath some Antartic air

You have to excuse us, we’re not at our best,
we’ve gone for 5 month, we’ve been drunk since we left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be our death,
we’re so sick from my drink, we need home for rest!
The Drake Passage Waters were windy and high,
Seasickness just catched us, we couldnt drink the Mai Tai
But we had some Gin Tonics with fished glacier ice
while we were flung into dances as the wales sang quite nice

You have to excuse me, im not at my best,
ive gone for 5 month, ive been drunk since i left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be my death,
im so sick from my drink, i need home for rest!
As we were climbing mount fitz roy by the light of the moon,
we had to make haste as the sun would rise soon
We got lost in the Mountains, forgot to go home,
The wine kept our heads spinning, the ways kept unknown

You have to excuse us, we’re not at our best,
we’ve gone for 5 month, we’ve been drunk since we left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be our death,
we’re so sick from my drink, we need home for rest!
The gas heater was empty, its damp as a tomb
as the sun will have rosen, we’ll be out of the gloom.
As we ran out of money and we ran out of booze,
We crashed into Bolivia and used cocain leaves as Snus.

You have to excuse us, we’re not at our best,
we’ve gone for 5 month, we’ve been drunk since we left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be our death,
we’re so sick from my drink, we need home for rest
I was tired of travelling just looked for a room
and didnt lift up my head till the twelve beels at noon
This City was cheap and reminded of home
Catched up with some Aussis to drink till the dawn.

You have to excuse me, im not at my best,
ive gone for 5 month, ive been drunk since i left,
and these so called vacacions will soon be my death,
im so sick from my drink, i need home for rest!



Don’t take the lyrics it too seriously, we havent been drunk all time…. but still we are quite happy doing this short break at home….

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2 Antworten zu „Home for a Rest – Leifstyle Remix“

  1. Avatar von Andy (TAS DEVIL)
    Andy (TAS DEVIL)

    Hahaha! Fantastic song. Would love to hear the real rendition! You back on the road again?

  2. Avatar von Tabeas Dad

    Ihr Lieben,
    verschollen im Himalaya, catched by the yeti? Die kurze Zeit mit Euch in Deutschland war ausgefüllt und schön und machte Appetit auf mehr. Ostern hat der Rest der Familie ohne Euch Kubb gespielt (die Alten haben verloren). Die „Kinder“ haben mit Feuereifer im Schneesturm nach Ostereiern gesucht. Ben ist mit Johanna bald in Ägypten und Sebastian mit Lisa am Playa de las Teresitas mit Saharasand. Nur die alten Deppen gehen treu und brav in die Arbeit und spüren ihre Knochen und Zipperlein. Aber bald (Zeit ist relativ) bin ich in Rente und dann werde ich auf Euren Spuren wandeln (bis auf das Bad im Eismeer natürlich). Leif will be back soon at Berlin looking soccer (not Hertha). And I hope Bayern Munich will beat tonight Tante Juve klar und zu Null. Dieses Jahr muss die Champions League her. Für die Meisterfeier gegen Augsburg habe ich zwei Karten für Sara und mich und zwei Bayern-Schals.

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